Life brings so many challenges and at the end of the day, you feel like no one knows and no one understands. I know there have been times like these for me. Times that I couldn’t find a friend let alone buy one (LOL). It so happens that my life has been designed that I didn’t have that one friend that I went through school with and stayed in touch with and raise babies, hung out, and grow old still being friends. God has always made sure that I understood that He is ‘that’ friend for me. Now don’t get me wrong even with a close relationship with God, there are times of testing and life review that He is silent and it is a very lonely time. Sometimes, you call someone and as kind as they are, and as much as they try to help – they never seem to help ease that empty feeling! Please be encouraged with this fact, God is everywhere and at the same time! There is nowhere that God isn’t present. When you were in school, the teacher would talk and talk and talk……But, when it was time for a test – the teacher sat there, but said NOTHING! You could ask questions but no answer would they give! This is life!
But, do not fear nor be afraid…….No matter what the time or the day should bring God is always with you. If you go down to hell He is there, if you vacation in heaven He is there! The creator of the universe is always with you and He will never forsake you.
Keep faith and know that He is God and even when you are going through, He IS THERE. Never give up and never stop moving! God is there with you always.